11 Jul 2022You’re no doubt familiar with the game Whac-A-Mole (funnily enough, spelled without a ‘K’). You might be less familiar with similar games like Bat a Rat, Gator Panic (aka Wacky Gator), and Gator Panic’s sequels Kani Kani Panic (crabs) and Same Same Panic (sharks).
Which brings me to how you die. There’s a Great Old One known as Zathog who, according to Wikipedia, is “a festering, bubbling mass that constantly churns and whirls, putting forth vestigial appendages and reabsorbing them. Bubbles burst on the surface to reveal hate-filled eyes, and slobbering mouths form or close randomly about his horrible body.” Seriously, it’s like playing Whac-A-Mole, but with mouths.